Building Better Buildings™
source1. Toronto City Hall (100 Queen St W): 6.3 ekWh/sqft
2. Conseil Scolaire Catholique MonAvenir (98 Essex St): 12.3 ekWh/sqft
3. Conseil Scolaire Catholique MonAvenir (330 Lansdowne Ave): 12.4 ekWh/sqft
4. Toronto Catholic District School Board (600 Morrish Rd): 13.2 ekWh/sqft
5. Seneca College (1750 Finch Avenue East): 15.0 ekWh/sqft
The City of Toronto has implemented the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy™, which is a net-zero carbon emission goal by 2040. The city would like to showcase building carbon emissions and energy consumption publicly online in order to implement regulations pushing toward the Net Zero Existing Building strategy.
This project is apart of the University of Toronto's first year undergraduate design course: Engineering Strategies and Practice II, and is licensed under an MIT License.
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